Heut gabs mal wieder nen kleinen Patch für SupCom.
Doch diesmal gings weniger um Balance- und Spielanpassungen, sondern es wurden ein paar neue Features und eine neue Map released. Hier ma den Change-Log:
- New Feature: World Map
- The GPGnet World Map provides several new features for GPGnet users, as well as a unique new interface for joining custom games. New features include the GPGnet Game Ticker, several views to friends, clan mates, and top players, interesting views of all players and players currently online, and the new Custom Games interface.
- Zoomable Map Display: Just as you do in games of Supreme Commander, you can use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the map.
- Custom Games Interface: All custom games currently available to join are displayed on the map – click the game map icons to join games.
- The World Map displays player home locations via reverse IP lookup. While this method is not 100% accurate, it is highly accurate.
- Opt-Out: Some users may not wish to be displayed on the map. To opt-out, use the controls under Tools – Options menu.
- New Feature: Arranged Teams Game Lobby
- Arranged Team functionality is returned to GPGnet, with an all-new interface and several back-end fixes for improved Arranged Team matchmaking and reporting.
- Team Chat Window: Launching an Arranged Team creates a new \“Team Chat\“ window – a temporary \“lounge\“ that allows the team creator to invite team members, chat with team members, control the \“thumbs up/down\“ map selection and launch the game. This chat window is active at the same time main chat is active and will also persist after the launch of the game, allowing the team to re-launch in the event of a failed launch or after a successfully completed game, allowing the team to launch more games together without re-creating the team from scratch.
- Choose Your Faction: All players within a team can now select their own faction. Faction selection is no longer reserved only for the team creator.
- New Feature: GPGnet Web Statistics Site
- The 1.5.58 release coincides with the launch of the GPGnet Web site at http://gpgnet.gaspowered.com/scstats
- The Web site features detailed stats for the ranked 1v1 games – every unit built in every ranked game ever played is tracked.
- Only ranked games are recorded, as custom games can include mods and cheats.
- Future releases will include stats for team-based games.
- Various bug fixes regarding clan creation and management.
- Various bug fixes regarding chat display.
- Various localization fixes and corrected translations.
- Various bug fixes to back-end reporting and matchmaking.
Zunächst ma zur Worldmap, leider sehr ungenau (ich wohn ned im Osten!!!) und man kann ned sehr weit reinzoomen, vllt. wird des ja noch optimiert.
Zu Ranked Teamgames bin ich leider aufgrund mangelnder Spielpartner ned gekommen, werd mir eventuell mal online einen suchen.
Die Webstatistikseite is mal n echt cooles Feature. Zwar auch nix neues (BF2) aber doch ma interessant zu sehn was man so an Einheiten rauslässt und verbrät.
Hier ma der Link zu meiner:
Zum Schluss noch meine Stats:
Aktuell bin ich mit 29 Siegen, 13 Niederlagen und 2 Unendschieden auf Platz 504.
Im Zuge des Patches wurden nun auch alle Player aus der Ranked-Liste entfernt, die noch kein Rankedgame gespielt haben, jetzt sind noch 12000 Spieler geslistet (vorher 16000).
Was scheinbar in dem vorletzten Patch auch endlich gefixed wurde, is dass manche Spiele wo der Gegner gedroped is jetzt nicht mehr als Unentschieden gewertet werden (siehe meine 2 Unentschieden).